Shea Olein’s certified organic African Black Soap is a 100% all-natural Shea Olein Aloe Butter and Vitamin E oil blend full of natural minerals and antioxidants. Designed to calm, cleanse, and hydrate it will leave your skin feeling soft, refreshed and perfectly balanced. Its preventive, regenerative, and anti-aging properties aid in thinning facial lines, diminishing acne, preventing razor bumps, and reduces the symptoms of skin issues such as eczema, seborrhea, and psoriasis.
- Saponified Mass Balance Sustainable Palm Oil
- Saponified Coconut Oil
- Vegetable Glycerin
- Original African Black Soap
- Certified Organic African SheaOlein
- Certified Organic Aloe Butter
- Vitamin E
- Essential Oil Blend
- Fragrance Oil
- Citric Acid
- Natural Pigments